We have compiled frequently asked questions and answers about Volume Machine. You can contact with us for more information.
Volume Machine transmits its outputs over telegram, it is sufficient to use telegram to use the system.
Volume Machine pulls data on the Binance exchange, that is, it works on Binance coins. We do not integrate other exchanges because of low and misleading volumes.
There is no active trial package, but you can join our free and open telegram channel, where we share a list of coins whose volume is captured once a day for anticipation.
Volume Machine is not a trading bot, every coin caught in the system should not be bought. The coins caught in our volume system should be kneaded with graphic information and then it should be decided whether to buy or not.
When we started developing Volume Machine, there were already bots tracking volumes and a few smaller sites. We started to develop the system in mid-2018, as they did not do our job properly. The volume algorithm, technical scoring and support resistance algorithm we created are our difference from other systems.
The technical scoring algorithm works according to 5 important indicators and points the coins whose volumes are caught in the system. The indicators used are important and beautiful indicators such as fibonacci retracement, exponential hull moving average.
With an algorithm we developed in about 2 months, we added a support resistance drawing algorithm to our system. Of course, although a person cannot specify the correct points as much as drawing the support resistors by looking manually, in many tests we have done, we have seen that there is an algorithm that finds correct points by 70-80%.
We have been sharing about the system with Mr. Finch account for about 2 years.This system was written not only with our knowledge, but also with the support of friends who actually do business in the market and are true masters for us. Many people are valuable people who contribute to the system such as @EfloudTheSurfer, @CryptogramTR, @Orhan_Yilmaz_, @CryptoWodoo, @barisbuyuktass, @CryptoSopranoo, @Cevoland . You can ask these friends about us at the points where you have a trust problem, they are the people who have always witnessed our efforts.